Meet Your Scouting Leadership
Who are the Key 3?
Just like a troop has a committee, a local Scouting council and the BSA national organization has a leadership team- the Key 3. There’s a Key 3 at every level of Scouting. These are the top three individuals within each level of the BSA: unit, district, council, area, region and national. At the National level, the members of the Key 3 are the National Chair, National Commissioner and the Chief Scout Executive. Learn more about the Key 3 here.

National Chair, Jim Turley
“To our Scouting family, our volunteers and our parents… you make us the best at what we do. Together we are building character and developing leadership in our young people. Thank you.“

National Commissioner, Ellie Morrison
“In Scouting, a commitment to service is passed from one generation to the next. I thank all of our volunteers and leaders who set this example for our Scouts.“

Chief Scout Executive, Mike Surbaugh
“We must remember that service is the greatest gift we can give – both to others and ourselves. Thank you to all who serve our youth and families.“
© Boy Scouts of America